Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Benefits of Motivation and Inspiration

People perform at their best when they are inspired and motivated. These people care to do things right and deliver well. Studies show that people are more likely to climb up the corporate ladder or succeed in any venture when they are motivated and inspired. These two elements are proven to bring out the best in people.

Parents, corporations, teachers, and leaders understand the power of motivating their people to realize pre-set goals. This is the secret behind successful businesses, excellent academic records, and good citizens of the country.

People maybe inspired and motivated by both tangible and intangible things. In the corporate world, they usually inspire employees through monetary rewards, promotions, and praises. As a result, their employees feel good about their job and feel that they are valuable members of the company.

The power of motivation and inspiration cannot be underestimated. Here are some tips that can motivate and inspire people:

1. People need motivation when they feel that they are about to lose their jobs because of the company’s instability. Letting them know that their employment is secure saves them from worrying and feeling unsure about the organization. This will bring their focus back and will motivate them to contribute in order for the company to succeed.

2. Motivate people by trusting them. People are generally responsible and inspired when being told about projects instead of step-by-step procedures they have to follow strictly to complete the task. Trust people to do things right and expect more innovation, more initiative, and ownership.

3. Inspire people with success stories. Many leaders use this tool to motivate people in driving for excellence that will take them to the next level of their employment. When people are presented with potential advancement, they are more likely to work on it.

4. On personal issues, people desperately need motivation and inspiration when they are down. These kinds of people loose the ability to see the good side and resort to self-pity. Encouraging words from their loved ones and friends can make a whole difference in their lives. They can also get inspiring words from religious groups that will surely help to get them back on track.

5. People who would like to do a life-changing task or event also need inspiration and motivation. Example, obese people who are desperately in need of help to loose weight and get their lives on track, need somebody or something to fire up their desire in reducing their dress size.

6. People who are constantly depressed and simply cannot see the bright side of life must be inspired too, in order to attain happiness and confidence. This will teach them how to get rid of negative thoughts and ultimately regain control of their lives.

7. Personal relationships also need motivation and inspiration to last. People stay together because they have motivating factors in continuing their relationships (ex. Love, appreciation, companionship, etc.)

Motivation and inspiration are scarce commodities in today’s society. More and more people loose the drive to perform better at home, in school, or in their jobs. As a result, talents are wasted. Don’t be one of them.

People who believe in themselves, make impossible things possible, and believe that they can move mountains are always the ones who get the most out of life. Be one of them.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Smile Power

Have you ever noticed how the word “smile” assumes the position of a smile on your face right after it has been pronounced? The same is true with a grin or a grouch. Much of the words in the English language or perhaps in other languages of the world assume the facial expressions of the person pronouncing them. Perhaps this is how words came into existence.

What kind of difference can a smile make? Well, as a Life Coach, we well know its power of influence and persuasion. In spite of its simplicity and spontaneity, a smile can make all the difference. It creates an atmosphere.

Admittedly, a frown can likewise create an atmosphere. The question now is this: “Which is more preferable?” An atmosphere of dissent brought about by frowning can bring conflict and unfriendliness, while a smile can create unity and camaraderie.

A smile is contagious. When you project a smile, the other person can’t help but smile back at you. Throw a smile to a baby, and there’s a big chance the baby will smile back at you.

Because of your smile, the baby starts to be playful at you even if you are a stranger to him. When a baby starts to be playful, you just can’t resist playing with him. Then he begins to laugh and giggle. You make the baby happy; you make yourself happy too. And to think all these started with a simple smile. If all these take place in a doctor’s office, chances are that you will forget why you are there in the first place. A smile can erase the pain, especially emotional and psychological pain.

If you want to make a good impression, smiling is your best option. You can sport all those expensive things on your body. You may be rich and famous. But if you sport a sour face, you’ll get the same treatment in return, as sour as vinegar.

A smile is worth more than words. A smile is a universal language expressed in the form of a gesture that greets and welcomes other people. When someone smiles at you, especially at a time you least expect it, you will get overwhelmed and you will return the favor. This is best exemplified during Christmas time.

Of course, Christmas is the time and season of smiles. But Christmas is also the time you get too busy attending to parties and shopping that you get so tired you feel you can’t smile anymore. However, when you come across somebody who smiles at you despite your weariness, you can't help but smile back.

Try walking into a shop where a frown from the owner awaits you. Before you know it, you are heading back to the door where you came from. It’s as if your legs have a mind of their own. This is the reason why it is important that your sales people (if you are in the sales business) wear smiles on their faces all the time. This is the best way to attract more customers. Make smiling the trademark of your business. Show it in your company logo and watch your business grow, just like all the other businesses using it.

A smile has no monetary value yet it is priceless. No amount of money can buy you one. It’s given away for free. You neither have to beg, steal, or borrow it. A smile comes naturally from the heart, resulting to harmony at home and prosperity for business. A smile binds and maintains friendship. Without smiles, any friendship is unimaginable.

“But how can you smile when you are overwhelmed with problems of the heart, health, finances, and peace of mind?” Yes, it’s difficult; but would sulking help? Will a frown take away the pain and rid the problems that keep pushing you down to more problems, illness, poverty, and a confused mind? The answer is obvious. Without a shadow of a doubt, a smile will clear the clouds and bring in sunshine to your life.

A smile is like a jewel worn on the face. It is the gateway to your personality. Wear a smile every minute and hour of the day, and you won’t need anything else.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

'Impossible' Is ONLY A Word

If you are like me, at some point in your life, you dreamed of becoming somebody special.

Working with my coaching clients has reinforced this belief that, indeed, there are few if any of us who hasn't fantasized about hitting the game-winning homerun. who hasn't dreamed of becoming the homecoming queen or king? How many times have we dreamed of becoming rich, successful or happy? The answer here is easy - thousands of times!

Often, people dream big dreams and have great aspirations. Unfortunately, their dreams remain just that -- dreams. Instead of experiencing exciting adventures in self-actualization, they live in the humdrum of day-to-day existence.

Actually, life could be better, if only people learn to aim higher.

There is one word that stops most people from aiming higher goals, that word is ‘impossible’. Most people just say, “I can't do this. It's too hard. It's too impossible. No one can do this.” However, if everyone thinks that way, there would be no inventions, innovations, and breakthroughs in this world.

Scientists were baffled when they studied the humble bumblebee. According to theories, it is impossible for a bumblebee to fly. Fortunately, no one told this to the bumblebee!

Some people dream big and yet not act on these. What is the expected result? They experience broken dreams and tattered aspirations.

If you limit yourself with self-doubt and self-limiting assumptions, you will never be able to break past what you deem is impossible. If you dream without working towards your goal, you will find yourself clinging on to the impossible dream.

Try this exercise. Take a piece of paper and list down things under the header ‘Things You Know You Can Do’. In another sheet, list down things under the header ‘Things You Might Be Able To Do’. Then, proceed to list things under the header ‘Things Which Are Impossible To Do’.

Everyday, strive to accomplish goals that are under ‘Things You Know You Can Do’. Check goals that you were able to accomplish. As you slowly check all your goals under that heading, try accomplishing the goals under ‘Things You Might Be Able To Do’. Again, as you accomplish these goals under the said heading, proceed to your list of ‘Things Which Are Impossible To Do’.

As you go through this process, you will discover that the goals you first thought were impossible are possible after all! The technique is not to put a limit to your imagination. Aim high and start working towards that goal; take one step at a time. Those who just dream towards a goal without working hard, end up disappointed and disillusioned.

A hundred years ago, if you told someone that it was possible for man to land on the moon, he would laugh at you. If you told him that you could send mail to the other side of the world in just a few seconds, he would say that you were out of your mind. However, through sheer desire and perseverance, these impossible dreams are now realities.

Thomas Edison once said that genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. This is true! For you to accomplish your dreams, you have to recognize that action is required. Take note that the 1% that Edison is referring to relates to a big dream.

Ask any gym rat and he will tell you that there are no gains unless you step out of your comfort zone. Remember the saying, “No pain, no gain”?

Dream on, my friend! Don’t get caught up with your perceived limitations. Think big and work hard to attain those dreams of yours. As you step up to the ladder of progress, you will find out that ‘impossible’ is just a word and it does not permanently apply to you.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Turning Around the Inferiority Complex

As a Life Coach, it is not uncommon that we find ourselves working with individuals who have fallen into the pit of interiority, or the inferiority complex. Knowing just how to guide an individual to begin turning this situation around is an essential tool that your client will forever be grateful for.

Many people, for one reason or another, seem to keep sinking into the pit of inferiority complex on a steady decline. They feel inferior about their capabilities to handle the hurdles of life. They seem to be enslaved into a life of fear, intimidated by their own negative thoughts.

Are you one of them? If you are, are you contented with the way you feel? Do you think you deserve to be like this? Of course not, so move over to the other side, from negative to positive thoughts. Perhaps you might ask or say, “What must I do? Don’t give me that stuff about self-confidence. It’s beginning to sound like a broken record.”

Positive thoughts to build self-confidence may sound like a broken record to you, something that doesn’t or won’t work on you. But how come it does on other people?

If you were told that you are the reason why positive thoughts of self-confidence don’t work for you, you’ll probably stop reading this article. I don’t blame you. Nobody admits to be the reason why solutions to problems fail because it’s their fault.

But think. If you drop this article, who is on the losing side? You may be depriving yourself the key to gain self-confidence, to turn your inferiority to superiority complex. You may have faults that cause you to lose self-confidence. And you’re convinced that you are not at fault, that there must be some other reason or reasons out of your hands. “Blame it to society, to cultures, to absence of opportunities, to poverty, to government, to wrong timing; just don’t blame it on me!”

Don’t let failures in the past stop you from conquering your inferiority. Letting failure overwhelm you is the easy way out.

Make yourself a worthy opponent to inferiority. Either you or inferiority stays. The world is too crowded for both of you. Be firm in your decision to gain self-confidence. Resolve that you won’t give up until you turn your inferiority upside down. And you can start doing this by believing in yourself. Believe that you can do it.

Belief in the self is the first step to gain self-confidence. Next, surround yourself with affirmation attuned to positive thoughts, faith, and courage. Surround yourself with positive thoughts in printed form. When you go around malls or shops that carry these items, buy them, especially those that you find very encouraging and uplifting. You can also print them out yourself by downloading from the Internet. Have them laminated and hanged on the walls of every room in your house, in the car, in the office, and in every place you frequently go.

When you are constantly bombarded with words of encouragement, your mind swings and aligns itself accordingly. This is a natural reaction. You act in accordance with what you see or how you think. This is best exemplified when you hear tunes or songs (especially those you are familiar with) you have not heard for a long time. When you hear them on the radio, you begin to hum and sing accordingly, even unconsciously.

Simple and subtle as this technique may seem; it works. See how your world of inferiority will turn to a world of superiority.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Live Up To Your Choices

As a Life Coach, you will often hear individuals say they have no choice when faced with a blind alley or dead end. They say they have no option but to take the one direction available, which is often a wrong one. When they say that remark, they must understand that they have to take the responsibility for the consequences of what they decide to do.

However, truth is far from the often-circulated concept that we have no choice. We, as the Life Coach are always reminding people that they have choices. As long as you have rights to protect, you have a choice. When rights are denied, then so are options. When you let your rights be denied, this too is an option.

Just look, for a moment at the issue of slavery. Most of them obeyed not out of willingness, but because they had no rights; and thus, they had no choice but to obey. For many individuals today, even not having a choice is still a choice.

Some are willing slaves. They voluntarily throw their rights away because they believe the person to whom they render service to is worthy of treating them as such. Some simply accept their lot as slaves, and that is their choice. Some refuse to be slaves and choose to assert their rights. All of these are choices.

Any Life Coach worth his or her salt will tell you, the kind of life you have is the life you choose. You cannot blame anyone for how your life plays out.

For instance, you can choose to live happily or miserably. It all depends on you. If you live a hectic life, that’s because you choose to be busy. No one can force a kind of life upon you, not even a superior who points a gun to your head. Every choice has its consequence.

Thus, if you choose to be healthy, live up to that choice. Be healthy. The choice will have to be followed by a decision to be a disciplined individual who is in control. Being disciplined means that you must exert effort to attain and maintain a healthy body. Eat right, exercise right, sleep right, and live right.

You cannot blame anyone else if you get sick. Getting sick too, may be a choice that you make. Some people cannot afford to be healthy because they choose not to afford it. They can spend for something else but not for good health. To be able to prioritize good health in your budget, you have to live a simple life.

Every choice entails a consequence, so you have to live up to our choices.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

How People Get Inspired

“Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?”

No matter how this topic is tackled, the question remains a mystery.

“Do you need to be inspired to aspire or do you need an aspiration to get inspired?”

The same holds true for the second question. Others may argue that in order to have a strong desire to achieve something, you must be inspired. On the other hand, some argue that for you to be inspired, you may need to aspire first.

This is very much like the chicken and the egg question, right? There is no definite answer. Concerning inspiration vs. aspiration, the best course of action is to discover how to get people inspired, rather than focus on which is the right answer. For some people, inspiration helps them stay motivated and become an achiever.

So, how do people get inspired?

The feeling of frustration forces some to seek inspiration. Some need to experience unpleasant circumstances to trigger an inspiration. This path may not be at all pleasant. But who says that the road to greater achievement is always smooth sailing?

Take for instance the case of an average earner. He just earns enough to make a family survive. On his way to work, he could see other people barely having three square meals a day, hardly having anything to keep them warm on a cold night, practically living on a roofless shanty with paper boards as walls. He wanted to help but can’t.

He feels helpless for he can't do anything to alleviate their condition. This feeling of helplessness urged him to promise himself that his family will never experience extreme poverty. This feeling of frustration inspired him to aspire for a better life for himself and for his family. His fear that his family might end up like one of the economically challenged people makes him determined to do something about improving his financial stability.

Someone who is successful can be an effective source of inspiration. People tend to look up to somebody who has reached the top. They wonder how it is to be like their idol, so they set themselves on a course headed in their idol’s direction. They study their idol’s past and how he was able to overcome all adversities.

People who wish to be inspired associate with successful people. Successful people have big ambitions. Being ambitious and dreaming big dreams can keep the inspiration alive. Being ambitious is actually good as long as you do not step on other people’s toes and provides inspiration to fellow men.

A strong desire can trigger people to get inspired and aspire for it. Again, stay within the confines of good fellowship, not hurting anybody along the way. Some people desire popularity. They aspire to be well known in society. They set their sights higher and aim to be recognized and respected.

Love is a strong motivator. There was once a man who pursued his love interest. He was able to get married to the girl of his dreams. His love for his wife motivated him to do his best in his job to provide for his growing family. Love provided the spark and nurtured his dreams to aspire for the best that life has to offer for him and his family.

Many sources of inspiration can help you in achieving success in life. Arguing about whichever comes first - whether inspiration or aspiration - is not one of them. The important thing is to find your true source of inspiration and to remain focused in the achievement of your goals.